With the ongoing war in the Ukraine, extreme weather events such as the flash flooding in Turkey or Cyclone Freddy in Malawi, and a hunger crisis in East Africa, Covid-19 […]
Read about the latest research and analysis from the Collective.
Preparing for the next pandemic: lessons from Zimbabwe
There is a lot of talk about pandemic preparedness, but what does it mean? Too often there are narrow, medicalised versions – focused for example on drug stockpiling, vaccine banks […]
Managing intersecting crises: What have we learned from the Covid-19 response?
The world is facing the prospect of more frequent complex, uncertain, and harmful compound shocks, that are happening simultaneously or in rapid succession. Currently we are facing multiple, overlapping challenges […]
Covid-19 and poor microfinance clients
Microfinance, a ground-breaking idea for providing access to finance to the poor, was first introduced and developed in Bangladesh in the 1970s. Since then, it has spread all over the […]
The cost-of-living crisis: what can we learn from community-led responses to Covid-19?
Sharp increases in the cost of living – especially rises in food and energy prices – are happening across the world, pushing many into poverty and hitting the poorest the hardest. In […]
Charting pathways to zero poverty amidst complex crises
Can progress on poverty eradication be rescued? The World Bank has recently called for course correction but their fiscal recovery-focused blueprint is only part of the solution given the scale of the […]
Advancing gender equality and women’s digital empowerment in the Global South
There is a global shift towards digitalisation that is driving technical, social, and organisational changes (Nordic Co-operation, 2020; Sorama, 2018). As such, having the capacity to leverage digital technology has […]
What has the pandemic taught us about transforming our thinking on dominant development models?
In early 2020, the world became aware of a new global threat. Covid-19 spread rapidly, upending the lives and livelihoods of people around the world. With support from the Research […]
The role of digital education in future shocks: priorities from the Global South
Worldwide, public service delivery, particularly public education, was severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authorities decided to shut down public schools as a precautionary measure against the spread of […]
Uncovering experiences of Covid-19 vaccination programmes in informal settlements
There has been much in the press about the experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the bulk of this journalism has been for and on the global North. Young people […]
What lessons can we learn from Covid-19 responses in African cities?
For low-income residents in African cities, the Covid-19 pandemic has often been experienced less as a health crisis and more in terms of the devastating socioeconomic, political and violent impacts […]
Understanding Covid-19 responses: Political settlements and community initiatives
Two new working papers, produced under the Covid Collective, explore and compare the politics and social and economic impacts of Covid-19 as it evolved in three East African capital cities – […]